Thank you so much dear Ostad Jalilzadeh! This is a great honor and a big pleasure for me.
Now that we have an extract, I wish to analize it and to link it to Kung Fu To'a, because I see a great number of things really close to those concepts.
It has been already said somewhere that the 7 valley represent the 7 mumayies and the trials we have to pass through to become "whole", as persons and as Kung Fu Ka.
The first concept I see is in the Valley of the Quest.
We know that “To'a” is a call, a request for something more. We ask for more learning, more support, more power in our training, more happiness (see the post on “Question” # 4166). This desire and this request is very alike the longing for the research of the Simorgh that we find in the beginning of the journey. To'a should also be an invitation, and as it has been explained by Ostad Assar in the post #824, it represent the call to take the first step on this path, like someone is saying “Come” to us, and we answer back to the invitation after having it heard, inviting him to come to us. This reminds me the story of the fool, that pray for the door to be open and recieve the answer that the door is always been open, it is up to us to enter. In this sense, Anattawa means “YOU”, you as beginner of the movement. It is up to us to start the changing in our life, to take the challenge or not, to decide to take or not the first step. And this decision it taken and reinforced at the end of Anattawa when we say "Atado-Yaromeh-To'a", while we hit waima duma right to the side and the left fist is taken to the right chest.
Another concept we can find is in the Valley of Love, and can be related to Atado.
As we know,in Atado we should know ourself and the surrounding. But this knowledge has a double link. To know ouself, we need to find the world inside us, and to understand the world, we need to find ourself in it. This means that every distinction vanishes, exactly as it is said in the Valley of love, where love is the fire, and intellect is the smoke, meaning that it is something that the reason cannot reach.
In the Valley of the Knowledge we find a parallel to Suto Kung Fu Ka, the third mumay. Suto makes us brave and gain logic, and we get to know our limits. The same concept is explained in the third Valley. Here is said that everybody has the aim to reach the perfection and to know his own limits, to go upon them! But of course to do it you need to scarifice youself and to work hard for it.
The Valley of Detachment i think is also linkable to Samsamaeh, when we get to know the fastest way to the target. To do it we need to “cut” all is unnecessary, and to take distance from it. In this Valley we take distance from eveything because all the past experiences won't be of any help.
The Valley of the Unity, should be the 5th, but I wouldn't put it in relation to Mayana, and nobody ever said that Yaromeh built the Mumayies following the concept of the Poem, but anyway I see a strong conncetion with two things:one is "Bato". When we take the sash off, the Master of the class says: “Bato Kung Fu Kai”, that means “with you”. We must be as one! In the Valley of unity we see there is no sense to say “I” or “you”, the part and the Whole will be indistinguishable. And the Master and the Hamrahan must be united in the same way. This is a call also for the loyalty, and I think it can also be linked to the closing of Suto Kung Fu ka, the third mumay, when we show our loyalty to Yaromeh.
Why is so important to be united? The answer is readable from Attar himself: as long as a slight sign of duality will exist, only a fragile association will originate! A strong association require Unity. Unity with the devine we are called to search inside of us, a unity that will be the result of the journey of the Morgh through the valley in search for the Simorgh, the unity of the Hamrahan on the Path.
The valley of stupefaction represent the reminescence of the lost unity of the soul and the devine.This is the 6th Valley, and it can be realted in my point of view to Kuana. In this Mumay we are looking for the contrast, to see the differences in the world. But when we see the differences, we see also the distance, the opposite of the Unity that we are looking for. I think this can be related to the sense of anxiety and sting of pain that characterizes the Valley of Stupefaction, where as I said there is a reminescence of a unity that is lost and for this reason is painful.
The last valley is the Valley of Annihilation. Easily linkable to Waima Mato and Kondraji. Here we find the union with the All. So while in Anattawa we discover the union of the Body and Mind (YOU), as in with Gado Kondrajy we are united with all the surrounding, the world and the universe itself. When this happens, every atom sink in his Sun and become one, united, and disappear as individual.
The Simorgh represent the union of the 30 Birds that started the journey and developed a ”macro consciousness”. The trials where just to make them awake from a dream where every Bird existed as individual, separated from himself, and separated from the All. At the end of the journey they become a “Whole”, united inside theirself, united with the others, united with the devine that is inside and calls for us. is a call to awake from something like a dream in which we are separate to awake to another reality where we are united. And only then, we are really awake. In this sense, I remember Ostad Assar said something alike. While we are awake we are sleeping, and we have to wake up from a "sleeping awakeness".
But there is one last concept I found, and that I wish to share, and that is related to the sash.
As we know, the sash at the beginning is white, and only after Anattawa test the student is part of the To'a family and is welcomed with the double knot. But after having learned the 7 mumayies and passed the test of the black sash, this knot is no more necessary to be done, because To'a is part of him, and he doesn't need anymore to do it.
And Attar at the end of the Poem state that the guide and the travelers vanished becoming themself the Path. This makes me think of a fusion, a unity that doesn't need any knots to seal it.