In the mid-seventies in a weekly newspaper that was very popular between the young Iranian people that was called "information for girls and boys", Yaromeh Mirzaii wrote and printed some articles and stories about Kung Fu To'A and through them he tried to share his thought and ideology.
Between those stories were also the myth of Perto'A.
At that time the Gods had damned the whole earth except the To'A-City.It is said that the doors of To'A-City were not open to everyone.
Only at the rising of the sun Perto'A, the beautiful girl of To'A-City, dressed in a crimson silk dress, stood on a wall of the city. This wall was 7 meters high, and she let her hairs falling down outside of the wall, and this was the secret key to open the gate of To'A City. This was the only way for other people to access and reach the gorgeous Temple of To'A, and in a wonderfull ceremony to swore to fight the unclean people and to defend their ideas.
At every sunset, the girl of To'A city Mehrtoma, naked under a black silk veil stood on the Wall of To'A Temple, and stared throught the darkness, looking for the life-giving rays of sunshine.
In that moment the fighters of the To'A City, a group of 7 men, barefoot and dressed in black costumes and green Shawls with torches in hands, started to move at the side of the beautiful girl of the night to protect her.
The secrets of the fights of these guards are not revealed.
The Chinese will remember this story throughout the times and say that the souls of Kung Fu To'As people stuck on the walls of the To'A Temple. They believe that the people of To'A City is alive and is watching us.
They says that actually the headquarters of the To'A people is in the 7th Heaven, they have built the To'A City on earth for all the other people, but those people that have been damned by the Gods are scared to enter the mysteries of being in the To'A City.
One day, Shada, the oldest and wisest of the Temple said: " Listen to the old man in the city. Listen to someone, who know the secrets of life!"
He looked happy and saw wonderful faces in his companions. But he was sad and he was crying, because he could not see a good heart behind those faces.
The chinese always tell their children the story of the To'A City.
Meaning of some words in Persian:
Perto = beam of light
Pertoha = Rays of light
Mehr = love
To = you
Ma = us; we
Mehrtoma= love, you, we
Shada -> Shad = Happy
Chin = wrinkle
Yaromeh said. "if I use the word 'chin', I mean teh wrinkles of brain"
Chinese --> probably means "wise people"
Note: many many many thanks to our dear friend Ali Hejazi for the translation. TO'A!