My dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, thank you so much! Your words brings tears to my eyes, and I feel honored.
I hope one day to grow enough in Toa so to be able to honor you as you deserve!
My heart is broken, because I wished to see people united under the real Toa and not divided, but of course there must be lots of things I don't know and I can't understand under the surface, things that brought to all this.
If only they could see what it means to be with a Master like you...they are blind because you were there for them, and took you for granted! Nothing is for granted, everything is a gift!You are a gift!
But everybody is responsable only for its personal path, and we cannot judge those who choose for themseves something different.
Life is made of choise, we choose everyday between right and wrong, good and evil, light and shadows. Choosing the good usually corrisponds to choose also the most difficoult road and also the most lonely. And being alone or being with few friends and not with the mass is scaring to the most. But this is also the road toward our real being, our real self.And this is another scaring thing.
My heart is broken as I said, and is full of joy in the same moment. I'm honored to be accepted by you in your Toa family, and deeply grateful to allow me to walk on this path with you and the other friends and hamrah.
Please forgive me for having wrote so much, but my heart is exploding and I needed to give him voice, and to speak my mind.
From the bottom of my heart,again thank you so much!