My dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I'm really sorry for what is happening. I completely understand and respect your point of view.
As you know, I "met you" under very particular circumstances, you accetpted me and my friends and you helped and are still helping us. What I found with you is preciuos and unique, and I have learned in few months what I haven't learn in years.
As I said when I knew you on web at the time, I am saying to you now once more and again.
I hope you succed in your goal, and I wish you to realize your plans. I see you as a right and consistent man, pure in the heart, and these are very rare quality nowadays, and these quality makes you special and what you are.This is my point of view.
I hope you will allow us to keep on walk on this path with you, and you will keep on guiding us. Quality can't be replaced with quantity. What I wish is to learn is Toa, the real Toa, and the day I will feel the need to learn something different I can always have other martial arts as second martial art (I don't think it would ever happen because I love Toa too much).
I hope you will allow me to still be your Hamrah, and to say that you are my Ostad.
Everything good that can be wished to someone I wish it to you. Thank you for what you have done in all this years, it is because of your past that the present exist.
From the bottom of my heart thank you, for the past, for the present, and I hope for the future too.
And good luck for everything.
Sepasgozaram Ostad.
Your Hamrah Patrizia.