Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh I have a question about the meaning of a kia in Anattawa.
I was "refreshing" the knowledge looking at the lessons here in the site, and I realized that I had a doubt about the meaning of "Vais-kineh".
It is described as "Vindication from the truth". But, what is meant with "Vindication"?
"Vindication" may means "justification", or also "confirmation". But the two things are slightly different!
- If I take it as "justification from the truth", I would understand it in terms of someone that is doing something and his or her actions receive a justification by the truth.
- If I take it as "confirmation from the truth", I would undertand it as if someone act or talk about something, and his actions and words are confirmed by the truth.
So is the meaning here that the truth comes to "justify" something, or to "confirm" something?
A justification is done to something that may looks like wrong or put in question at first sight, or maybe not, it may also simply be something new, but is later justified by the truth.
In the other sense, it doesn't look like something that has been put in question, but something right and known that comes to receive a final confirmation.
I hope that have been clear in expressing the doubt that is in my mind.
Thank you so much in advance.