Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I have a question about Mao Omma (I hope to have written corretly!)
I remember you said that the person that do "Mao" attack, and "Omma" defend.
My question is not about how it works because you explained it perfectly, and you talked aboout it also in France in the past year. I was thinking about the name..
"Mao / Oma" ( Ma - o // o - Ma)
I know in farsi "Ma" means "We", which is the union of "Me & You", and "O", or "و", that should be read also "va", means "and", correct?
The two terms seems to be mirror of one another.
Because Mao attack and Oma defend, is it possible that the names were chosen to underline what is going on during the fighting?
I see it as if the two hamrahan works together to grow and develop, and they support each other in the development. During the fighting, same as during the implementation of the mumay, the opponent in truth is ourselves, we are fighting with ourselves somehow.
May it be that this way Mao and Oma are the mirror of one another? Is this the meaning of the term?
I hope to have been clear enough, it is a bit hard to explain what I have in mind sometimes.