Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends, I have read in the farsi section that Ostad Jalilzadeh explained that the meaning of "Keyeto" comes from "Chi" + "To", meaning the inner energy that we develop while we are practicing Kung Fu To'a is transferred from inside, as "Chi" (or "Ki") , to an external object, ( "To" means "you" ). So the energy is passed from inside to you, or an external object. And this is also the reason why all the kicks has the name of "keyeto" at the end.
What about "Mato"?
I was thinking that if there is a meaning associated to all the kicks, maybe for the punches it could be the same. If I try to find a meaning, I know that "ma" in farsi means "us", and "To" is you. could it be the same thing? of course here there is not a reference to the Ki or Chi, but maybe it could indicate that in the punches the distance between the bodies are erased, and comes from me to you?
Is there a meaning also for the kicks?
For example, if I try to search a meaning for "horayad keyeto", "hor a yad " could it possibly be something like "Hor a yad" ( حر ا یاد )? Something like "learning or memory of the motion" or something alike?
Too much fantasy?
Thank you in advance.