Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, excuse me, one more question please.
I wish to ask you about the back punches we find in suto and samsamaeh.
After having hit right Konjma with shoulder reaction, mato and chino, we hit Haney Keyeto front with the fists to the front and back of the body for protection, then we take the knee and keep it up while we hit the double back mato to the opponent face. we go on a big rato and take the two fist downward to defend from the incoming kick.
Khinmaiy axis. After having changed the rato, we hit the double duma mato to the neck and the head, the first one has the right fist higher then the left, it hits on top.
This double mato we hit, are the same thing in suto and in samsamaeh? also in suto are duma mato?
And another thing, if the classic duma mato has the back of the fist upward as a classic mato, and here is upsidedown, shouldnt we call it "osaya duma mato"?
I hope this question is not too silly or stupid.
Thank you so much.