Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends, I have a question about Samsamaeh.
In Loneh Zanboori, or Beehive 1, after having hit Manto with the right hand, Mato left hand and having gone down with the body and done Huto defence with the left hand, we stand up and hit with the right hand under the nose.
In all action-reactions, usually the hand that hits is inside, close to the body, and reaction hand is outside, but here I see that it is not necessary. I guess that probably the reason is that with the right hand we are protecting the elbow, but in any case, the technique wouldn't be more effective if the hand was coming from inside as it is usually done?
Maybe I should move the hand and make the technique start from front of my face? In this case coming from inside or outside wouldn't make any difference.