Dear Patrizia, as I said before a Gado is a guard or a sign. But there is a difference between a guard and sign, the guard itself is for a attack or defense and also for a show. So you have to realise that all the Gados are not with same meaning.
Kamisema is a Gado, but it is a show.
In Anattawa before veissa is a Gado, but it is for defense.
In Atado before two veridical Matos is a Gado, but it is offensive.
In the beginning of Suto, the Kamisema position that has the fingers on top of each other is a Gado, but it is a sign.
If the Gado is at a Kamisema position is a show or sign.
If the Gado is at any position but the kamisema is for a defense or attack.
I hope that I helped you.