Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, excuse me! I noticed a movement in the last lesson that I missed!
After hitting osaya keyeto and double oratos, you turn to horeima rato and make the gado.
It seems you hit osaya keyeto and put the left leg forward where I would go if I was to make a regular rato, then you turn and slide the right food making a half circle and end in horeima rato. Am I right?
The movement is completely different in this way.
So I don't have to hit osaya keyeto and put directly the left foot at hour 12, but I must go to hour 10, turn and slide the right foot and then I go on horeima rato! Did I got it?
But I don't have to do the same thing on the other side, because I see that after the second osaya keyeto adn double orato the right leg goes directly to horeima rato, making a 180 degree turn. Correct?
Thank you!