Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I have 3 questions about suto.
1- At the beginning, before exhaling the kia "suto", we bend the knee and go down to the right side making defence with the forearms with the hands still locked. My body is turned to the right, but what about the legs?
The left leg should be almost closed to the right ankle, correct? But are my knees going at 45 degrees or do I have to turn more, like an unmodified rato? so the line formed by the left leg should be this: --- or this: / ?
2-When we do Waima Duma Defence and Afma as reaction before hitting Konjima technique with shoulder reaction, do I have to make them to the side or at 45 degrees back? heading hour 3 or hour 4? I thought it was a little to the back, but looking closer it seems to the side.
3- When we hit osaya and 2 oranto "simultaneously", do you mean that the 2 Orantos are"simultaneously" done, or the techniques finish in the same moment when osaya hit? I don't understand whether there is or not a little difference in timing. Like "orantos hits, and right after them osaya hits too" or all of them have to be done together.
Thank you so much!