Salam dear Ustad Jalilzadhy.
I have question’s Atado and some Anatoa.
on your web “Atado is based on balance on one leg and short defensive or offensive movements with 317 techniques, reactions and combinations”
1- What is the based on “ANATOA” and how many techniques in anatoa.
2- beginning “ANATOA” Kamisema position and sansesero, we making a symbol body & mind. always when I stand’s kamisema and doing some things it’s mean I show symbol not technique. but when I stand’s rato position and making sansesero like ANATOA “x” movements we making sansesero four time, now this time what is the meaning of sansesero.
3- Atado pic #3-4 when kia is haida, grabs the collar of shirt with both hands. how will that left the shirt I don’t understand. if you have any video clip so plz send me.
4- all the “kia” purpose refresh the lungs and mind but all the kia is meaning full? Or not, if kia is meaning full so different kia different meanings?.
5- when is start “khat” first announcing the khat name, open arms with close fists and stand’s Kamisimay when I stands kamisimay I show the symbol not technique, what is this symbol and meaning.
6- on web, Atado lesson, start bottom to top clip #4, when front leg goes back and upper body and head goes back and same time open arms, now this time fists position “back to back” after this position goes to rato stance and block the lower part of body, but this time change the fists position, “so my question is what is the logic blocking with back to back fists”.
7-end of “Atado” when goes to “yaromeh” but this time change the yaromeh movement, stands in kamesimay what is this symbole and meaning. After yaromeh why goes to open arm with open fists.