Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I am still working on my anattawa as well as on my atado too to improve my "weak point". One of this is haima (or this is what I feel in my body). I was thinking about the position of my shoulders, my hands, the legs and I realized that I don't understand what I am doing with the left arm!!
I have taken a picture from your book. We are in rato stance, right hand forward, hand a little angled at 45 degree, arm to hour 9 and shoulders in line, left arm to the chest. With the right hand I think I am defending from a hand striking technique, because if it would have been a kick probably it would have been dangerous to hold an open hand. But what am I doing with the left?
Usually in the techniques the reaction hand is fisted. If I think about the classic techniques, all reactions are fisted a little bit over the sash's hight, and as you said in doma defence as well as in all the techniques in which we are turning the body the reaction hand goes a little bit higher to be more effective for the action hand. In haima the action hand is open. Is it also to make power, or am i doing something else?