Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends and Hamrahan, this is not properly a question but something that emerged this morning while I was training and that I wished to share with you and to hear what you think about.
I was trying to find the correct way of doing the technique letting them "flow" through my body, and I realized how deep is the connection between the attitude in life and the character of a person and the way the mumay is done.
If someone is not that much aware of himself, it is difficoult for him to be it also about his feelings, thoughts and body too. Being not that much aware of himself will affect the techniques too, because he (or she) will be hardly aware of his body and of the position in the space of the single part of his body.
If the way of living of a person's life is "rigid" and he/she is hardly adaptive or also if he or she is a nervous character he/she will keep the muscle tense, and this will end up in a move that is not fluid and harmonious.
Now I realize why our dear friend Dr. Jamshid once talking about zen and meditation pointed out that mumayies are dynamic zen, because to do them properly we need to enter that mental status that is called the "flow", when you are not aware of the time and you are completely absorbed by what you are doing and you are perfectly connected to yourself, with the body the mind and the spirit too.
And I realized also the reason why for what I knowYaromeh made Kung Fu To'A with the aim of a development of Humanity (both individual and collective). The link between our self and the way we live our life is really close. If I learn to relax my body and to be aware of myself while I train I will learn to do it also out of the temple or dojo, and what I will learn I will use it in my life too, I will learn to be more aware of myself and I will learn to be more adaptive and relaxed in the situation of my life.