Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh...excuse me...I was still thinking...
In Japanese "Sensei" 先生 means Master.
"Sensesero" seams a combination of words. You told us Yaromeh gradually took distance from eastern culture to get closer to the persian culture, so I thought to try with translators to see if "sero" or something alike is really existing in your native language, and I found that "Ser"
means head, or chief or top.[ Excuse me the "quote", it is for graphical reasons.]
So, could it means "Top Master", or "Chief Master"?, with the meaning of "Grand Master"?
In this way it could means that when we go on Kamisema and the Master of the class says " Sensesero" and we answer "Yaromeh" he is asking "Who is the Grand Master?" and we answer "Yaromeh", Yaromeh Mirzaei. Could this be?
Another meaning I found was from Kanji, as I said in post #3971 at page 45,
I discovered that
"Sense" = Thought ネン
"Ro" or "Ru" = Path ロ
May "sensero" means the path of the thought, or the developing of the tought or idea?
In this case the question could be "who is leading you on the path of the thought?", and we would answer "Yaromeh!"
But I think it would make more sense if the real meaning would come from "Sense + Ser(o)".
Could it be?
Post Scriptum: Thank you so much for the corrections in atado! they really makes the difference and is so good to see where I go wrong and why! I have a lot of work to do. Sepasgozaram!!!