Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, thank you for being there, and later for your answers which are always accurate and fast.
I could not wish for more
It does not matter if sometimes passes more time for a response, I wait without haste.
I also thank my dear friend, Patrizia for your answer.
I'm working on the new Mummay Atado, I thought I knew this mummay, but it is not, we'll work 'deeply and I hope to give you satisfaction also this time, because you you deserve it and all those who work with you!
Another question Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, it is very time you want to do it, I make a leg technique, but I do not know if it's the Kung fu to'a.
It affects like ossaya yad Kyetto, but without turning the body, I can start directly from position Rato, the back leg and bring it forward, like Yad Kyetto, the ending is the same, as I said before, the technique Ossaya yad kyetto.
Thanks again