Dear masters and dear friends, I'm doing a complete review of all the forms and techniques.
I have 3 question, sorry if they are really basic, but I think "you can't built a house without good foundation".
In master Tawassoli's book at page 85 I read the techinque "Chi-Kareh". Is it the one refering to the pic number 1i?
What does the term means? I remember it was called before wearing the belt in class, but we never known the right meaning. Would you please explain it?
At page number 109 we were taught the technique in pic number 4a differently. I added a jpg, sorry for the bad quality.
In our way in 4a we went completely down doing a squat with legs in the position as in 4b. Now I see we have to stand half way, and this is not a problem. What I don't understand is the Oranto. I see it is face high ( we were taught higher), and the left arm in lower. We were said that it was to defend the head, but I see that master Tawassoli is doing it lower, and in this way you can't protect niether the head not the ribs. So, what it is used for?I can understand the meaning of the right fist, but for the left one I don't.
One last question is about the belt. I was taught to wear it like in the pic from 1 until 2i, and we were going as in 2m only when we were to enter a fight or after an exam. Is our way incorrect? Do I have to wear it always as shown by the master Tawassoli or only in certain occasions?
Thank you all for the help you're giving to us all and to this martial art's unique world!