Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, you know my desire of knowing and understanding To'A goes 360 degree, from technical to philosophical, and I remember you once said that everything has a meaning, also all the gados have one.
If I am not gone wrong with translators, I see now Ostad Assar is asking about the meaning of Gado "Kondraiy" in Weima Mato on facebook. I won't ask for this now, because I know it is not "my time" yet, but I wish to know about Anattawa and Atado.
I see that every mumay starts with a Gado like this. We know Gado can be a guard but also a sign, and at the beginning is should be a sign.
In Anattawa we are in Sensero, we are in Kamisema stance, the hands are straight in front od the body back hand to back hand.
In Atado we are in Kamisema stance, the 2 fists are in doma "mode" under the sash.
I remember in Suto we are in Kamisema and the hands are in front of us, at sash height, right hand over ther left and the two thumbs crossed.
In Samsamahe in Kamisema stance we take the arms outward fisted and elbows bended (if I am not wrong it should be 2 doma mato outward).
If all this has a philosophical meaning, I see in Sensero ther same meaning we find in the sash. Left hand and right hand should be symbol of the union of the body and mind, correct? We say "Yaromeh" in sign of respect to him. If I can see in To'A a call for development, it could symbolyze an answer to the call, and we are ready to work on ourself unifying the body and mind in the task. Could it be like this?
But what about Atado? If there is a meaning, what could it be? And does the Atado's Gado has a name or not?
Thank you.