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باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4200

  • Jamshid
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 514
  • Karma: 15
Hello dear friends
Dear Patrizia for phylosophical and internal interpretations of what you understand or feel in kung fu TO'A, you are right . please don't forget that everyone will interpret and will understand according to his(her ) educations and informations and he or she will analyse and will understand by his or her knowledge . So , even if there are different interpretations or differents notions ! they can be accepted if they are in postive way and they can help us to grow up in the path .
I would like to add that Yaroumeh says : in Kung Fu with doing and repeating the techniques and special combinations of special techniques in the different axes and angles our body starts to absorb cosmic energies and we will develop not only physically but also mentally and psychologically
The following user(s) said Thank You: Patrizia, frollani

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4203

Northern Shaolin:
Many aspects of Shaolin Kung Fu spread throughout China, undergoing many adaptations and revisions. The present system, however, specializes in long-range fighting rather than grappling. It is an aggressive style, believing that attack is the best form of defense. It emphasizes on kicking, leaping and whirling blocks based on wide, open stances.

Wing Chun:
The Wing Chun is a relatively modern school of kung fu, having evolved in the 18th century.
The essence of this style is that when the opponent attacks, the blow should be absorbed and neutralized. This is reflected in the description of the ideal stance for wing chun wushu: strong but elastic, rooted but with give.
Wing chun masters generally attack along the imaginary vertical line in the center of the human body, since many weak spots lie on or around this line. Wing chun emphasizes the importance of a contracted stance, not allowing an obvious entry for the opponent to exploit.

Aikido: Aikido is considered to be a non-aggressive style, as the Aikido student does not instigate the attack. The basic principle of Aikido is "Do not fight force with force". Aikido uses very few punches and kicks. Instead, the attackers force is redirected into throws, locks and restraining techniques. Size, weight, age and physical strength differences of the opponents play only a small role, as the skilled Aikido practitioner is able to redirect the attackers energy, keeping his attacker in a constant of unbalance
Capoeira: Capoeira is an energetic, often acrobatic, dance-like style of martial art. Capoeira was first practiced by African slaves who were taken to work in Brazil. Capoeira is primarily based around kicking, as a slave's hands were normally manacled. In Capoeira, many movements are carried out while in a handstand position, often resembling modern Breakdance moves.

Pencak Silat: Pencak Silat is an Indonesian martial art and began originally as a weapons style of combat. Pencak Silat has borrowed much from its nearby neighbours of India and China, blending those fighting styles into their own. The result was a style containing kicking and striking techniques mixed with a variety of weapons techniques.
Amongst the thousands of Indonesian islands, there are hundreds of schools of Pencak Silat, each with their own identity. Some of these also teach the arts of magic, healing and mystic powers.

Karate: Karate translates, as is generally accepted, to Empty Hand in Japanse. Karate is a martial art that uses weaponless techniques such as punching and kicking to overcome the opponent.

these are short detail of different martial art fighting styles. Now my question is
The following user(s) said Thank You: abolfazl

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4204

  • Assar
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 414
  • Karma: 27
Hi Hamrah Farid,

What you have described is a brief description of some styles of martial art, and what has been described above is not a true description of martial art.

Any martial art has been created for the purpose of self-defense, none have ever talked about being aggressive.

The difference between the styles are combinations and how to use a single technique or a combination for defense purposes.

All martial art styles have two divisions in fighting, one is for combat which means "I'm protecting my well being, my knowledge, my dignity, etc", two is for sparring which is done under governed rules which will be decided by the governed body of experienced instructors and they will consider to evaluate where to hit or the pointing structure.

Mixed Martial arts, was invented for the purpose of money which means they sell tickets so the opponent could hit each other with deadly forces if needed, this kind of engagement is not martial arts and it isn't evaluating as an combat art.

Now we practice our techniques to the extreme, IE Combination of techniques on To'A is in one way to finish off the opponent or demonstrate a good combination.

Each stages of the techniques have their own unique way of application.

I hope the above has explained your questions and makes sense to you.
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Last Edit: 12 years, 2 months ago by Assar.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Patrizia, frollani, abolfazl

باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4208

  • Jamshid
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 514
  • Karma: 15
Kung fu TO'A is a very dynamic and energic martial art . it is the mixing between internal and external aspect of martial arts . In kung fu TO'A , practitionner prepare himself(herself) for all conditions of contact and fighting but in a logic of timing and distance for control or destroy opponent very fast if it is necessary . kung fu TO'A use many self defence techniques too .in Kung Fu TO'A practionner try to learn all high kicks and low kicks and application of them . TO'A emphasize to be fast and powerful and having very good resistance in front of different opponents with different capacities . but at the same time kung fu TO'A practionner must learn many philosophical and speritual and scientific subjects and materials and notions . A real Kung Fu TO'A ka is not only a big fighter between otheres but also a big scientific and human that is ready to help to otheres and humanity and right ! he or she can be very dangerous but he is under control of himself and he is under control of his high culture . Real Kung Fu TO'A ka is a real human that tries to be powerful physically and mentally and speritually but in a positif way and not to be a machine of destruction .
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Patrizia, frollani, abolfazl

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4223

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear Hamrahan and friends,
Fabrizio and I were talking about the beginning of Atado. He was asking himself what is the meaning of the body position in the picture number 1 in [atado8-2.jpg], the one where we hit "duma" under the sash, right at the beginning.
What I thought and said to him is that I think it should be like in Anattawa when we take the fists to the center of our body after mato and before going to chinno position. I thought it is not properly a technique, but we are getting ready for what is going to be done, like preparing ourself for the techniques to come, same as in picture number 9 I have added (in Anattawa)
Is it like this?

What I ask myself is if I am right, and this is really like Anattawa, is there a "preparing position" in every mumay?i would think of somethin alike in Suto, when we go in Chinno for Suto with open hands, or Samsamaeh when we take only one fist to the sash level and the other one in front of the face.

Thank you!

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4224

Dear Patrizia and Fabrizio, I am glad you pay more attention to small moves and techniques.
You can get benefits from Patrizia's details about the atatado8-2 picture, but it is not all of it and it is not the major reason.
First it of all the position of the stand is like "Kamisema", it means the movement is not a technique.
It is for making proper "Kia". By hitting a double Duma under the sash or bottom of the stomach while exhale breath with sound of Atado, you are hitting to the bottom of stomach and squeezing the stomach muscles while putting pressure to the lower inside body to empty it and to get the fresh air.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jamshid, Patrizia, frollani
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