Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends,
first of all I want to say thanks to my dear friends Fabrizio and Farid for your kind words! Really thank you so much to both of you.Dear Farid, I really think that you poem is teaching also for me even if it was not directed to me but to your students, because it focuses on the fact that to become complete we must study & train, trying to keep a good balance in both the fields!
I was thinking about how we move in To'a in mumayies and in techniques.
We knows that a lot of techniques are led to 45 degrees for example, or the body must be taken to 45, or 90 o 0 degrees, and so on.
Also Anattawa is made upon directions. In this case, the way we move in the axis reminds me very much the representation of an element, the boron, a chemical element which atomic number is 5, produced entirely by cosmic ray spallation, the formation of elements from the impact of cosmic rays on an object . I am adding a screenshot from my pc about it.
I asked myself if all this is casual or not, and I started to do some research to understand how Yaromeh was doing To'a for us. I remembered that Ostad Jalilzadeh told us that at the beginning, untill Suto, Yaromeh was close to japanese and chinese culture and made To'a in respect of the human physiology, so I thought to search there, and this is what I found out.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the body depends on the balance of five aspects of the world that are translated as "elements", labelled as Earth, Wood, Fire, Water and Metal and each relates to either two or four of the twelve bilateral energy meridians and through those meridians to the muscles, organs and glands. So we see that the number 5 is coming back to us in this topic. Emotional and physical health are a result of the harmonious balance of the Five Elements,and energy flows continuously through the twelve bilateral energy meridians in a circular pattern. If an element is too much expressed or too little, the balance is broken and one element has effect on the other.
Also Chinese geography pay great attention to the directions, and we see that the Centre is almost itself a cardinal point. Adding the center to the four cardinal points of Western geography we obtain a system of five directions in relations with the Five Elements or Wu Xing.
-At East correspond a phase of growth, and activity of knowledge
-At North, phase of longevity and wisdom
-At South, generation through purification
-At West, strength and creativeness
-At the Center, the phase of concentration, control
So what I deduced is that Anattawa, that means "you" as starting point of everything in a person's life, may works inside us through the meridians helping us to gain a good health and physical and emotional balance, and moving in the 5 directions it is symbol of development in the field of creativeness, knoweledge, wisdom, purification,and control.
As always I will be more than happy to hear from Ostad Jalilzadeh if I am on the right way or not. Thank you so much!