Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I have a question on the beginning of atado.
I don't like how I do it and I understand there is something wrong that I need to correct. I will try to be as much clear as I can.
I refer to the picture in atado lesson "atado12-3.jpg", picture 1.
Move the right leg to the left and make an Orato defence with the right arm and an Afma defence with the other (pic 1).
I am asking about the legs.
Could we say that in the picture number 1 the stance is quite like a "cat position"
but for unmodified rato? "Cat position" we know is an horaima rato with 10%-20% of the body weight on it and on the front part of the foot. In this case we have it as in Unmodified Rato.
I need it to built a "mental frame".
How much low do I have to keep my body?And how much close the knees has to be?
Looking at the pictures and the videos, your right leg is quite 90 degree to the ground, while your shin is almost parallel to the floor, and you don't bend forward too much, probably just as much you need to do an Orato defence with the right arm. If I try to put my right leg as you do, I cannot take my right leg so close to the left leg, and my position is very alike that in the picture number 2, the one in which we go with a mato to the lower part of the body of the opponent. But if I try to take the leg closer the right leg...than I cannot be so low and my shin is not parallel to the ground.
So I have 2 possibility:
1- lower position, right leg with upper part at 90 degree to the ground and shin almost parallel to the floor. In this case I am low but my legs are closed at leve right knee - left ankle.
2-higher position, legs close at knees level.
Can we say that in the picture number 2 the stance is like the one in picture number 1 but the legs are separated?
I hope to have been clear. Thank you!