Thank you dear Farid. I was asking myself if there is a link between the valley and the steps of to'a
Search, Love, mystic Apprehension,Detachment/Independence, Unity, Bewilderment, and Fulfilment in Annihilation ...
The purpose of the discipline ... is to achieve purification. The aspirant has: to purify his personality-self, from its inclination to shahawat, that is, the thoughts and desires of the natural man, and substitute these with love (mahabba);
then he must be cast into the flames of passion (ishq) to emerge in the state of union (wusla) with transmutation of self (fana) through the gifts of dazzlement and wonder (haira) to everlastingness (baqa).
-Search. Purify his personality-self.
Our dear Osta Jalilzadeh explained us that Antattawa means "you". We are the point of start of everything in our life.
Atado means discover our world emotionally and phisically. May this be related to the concept of the second alley?
Conference of the bird, in "God Speaks to David" at the end is said:
Extract the ore of your being,Then you shall start seeing."'
-mystic Apprehension
Suto should be "becoming brave in life" and passing from fears.
Dear Ostad Jalilazdeh, could this be? Is this the right direction to search?