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TOPIC: Question

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4121

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Thank you dear James. I am happy to know to have been able to see through the veil.
I find the Farid Ud-Din-Attar's poem inspiring. There are a lot of things that I thought, also related to the To'a, and seeing them written in a poem have been something striking.

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4122

Dear Patrizia, thank you for the nice explanation.
Your mind is not only correct, it is perfect and lovely.
The way you are connecting the three "7 steps" in two cultures and mixing them as a lexicographer to find out what Kung Fu To'a says about "7 steps", and getting to understand "the path of wisdom" is correct and surprising.
I am so happy and proud of you my dear Hamrah.
I am going to post your writing on our new segment on our website which is about "to look and find out about philosophy, knowledge, and gnosticism" .
I will be glad to see you more involved in that part.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jamshid, Patrizia, frollani, abolfazl

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4123

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
My dear Ostad Jalilzadeh thank you so much! you are really honoring me with your words! Oh, now I am speachless I don't know what to say!

سپاسگزارم استاد عزیز

I will be more than happy to be involved in the new segment, this is what I was always looking for! To'a!!!
The following user(s) said Thank You: frollani, ابراهیم

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4128

Conference of the Birds - the Simorgh

"Conference of the Birds" ("Manteq-ot-teir") by Farid ud din Attar is a Persian story about thousands of birds starting a journey through seven alleys to find Simorgh - king of the birds. The seven alleys are the alley of desire (let go of property), the alley of love (let go of learned moral concepts like "Good" and "Bad" and feeling the pure emotion of love), the alley of knowledge (breakout from familiarity and realizing the connection between body and mind), the alley of self-sufficiency (abandonment of knowledge and heart and to quest for new), the alley of unity (realize that everything in our world is connected to each other), the alley of confusion (establishes different perspectives on being and not-being, you realize your mortality and immortality at the same time) and at last the alley of death (achieving immortality by accepting to become part of the whole). Each of the seven alleys is a hurdle and represents an attribute the birds have to let go of to reach the Simorgh. The birds learn more and more about who they really are.
Of all birds only 30 achieve their goal and being there they realize that they are the Simorgh. The term "Simorgh" consists of the Persian words for "thirty" (si) and "birds" (murgh).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jamshid, Patrizia, abolfazl

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4129

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Thank you dear Farid. I was asking myself if there is a link between the valley and the steps of to'a

Search, Love, mystic Apprehension,Detachment/Independence, Unity, Bewilderment, and Fulfilment in Annihilation ...
The purpose of the discipline ... is to achieve purification. The aspirant has: to purify his personality-self, from its inclination to shahawat, that is, the thoughts and desires of the natural man, and substitute these with love (mahabba);
then he must be cast into the flames of passion (ishq) to emerge in the state of union (wusla) with transmutation of self (fana) through the gifts of dazzlement and wonder (haira) to everlastingness (baqa).

-Search. Purify his personality-self.
Our dear Osta Jalilzadeh explained us that Antattawa means "you". We are the point of start of everything in our life.

Atado means discover our world emotionally and phisically. May this be related to the concept of the second alley?
Conference of the bird, in "God Speaks to David" at the end is said:
Extract the ore of your being,Then you shall start seeing."'

-mystic Apprehension
Suto should be "becoming brave in life" and passing from fears.

Dear Ostad Jalilazdeh, could this be? Is this the right direction to search?
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Jamshid

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4133

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, there is another idea that came to my mind when I stopped thinking.

I was searching for a relation between kath and the steps.
The 7 valley, the 7 sins, the 7 forms.
I realized that probably the 7 forms may be symbol of the means we could use to pass through our weakness, or the 7 valleys or 7 sins.

You said Anattawa means "you". We are the one that start the change, we are the ones to start everything.
Atado means to discover our world emotionally and physically.
Suto, to become brave in life.
Samsamaeh, to keep on the right direction in life and in body and mind universe.

Every developement pass through the knowledge of ourselves, through insight, getting to know our weakness but also our "power point".

So I deduced that this could be the relation: the 7 valley and the 7 sins are symbol of our weakness, like some doors we have to pass through. And the 7 forms could be the symbol of 7 means to pass through and to reach our development to become complete as individual adn as kung fu ka, like the 7 keys for the 7 doors.
Could this be?

Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, am I gone too far with my imagination?
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Farshid Javdan
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