Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear Farid, thank you!
If you allow me I wish to say something about some thoughts that came to my mind.
What we know is that To'a is an invitation to the developement as person and as kung fu ka, correct?
We know that there are 7 steps (and thanks to our dear Ostad Jalilzadeh I get to know there are 8 forms, and the last one is the sash).
I have read something about Farid Ud-Din-Attar about the legendary Simorgh, and the birds must pass through the 7 valley to reach the simorgh (that at the end they find out that theirselves together are the si-morgh). "alab (Yearning), Eshq (Love), Marifat (Gnosis), Istighnah (Detachment), Tawheed (Unity of God), Hayrat (Bewilderment) and, finally, Fuqur and Fana (Selflessness and Oblivion in God).
In our culture (I mean european), we have the 7 deadly sins.
luxuria (lechery/lust),gula (gluttony), avaritia (avarice/greed), acedia (sloth/discouragement), ira (wrath), invidia (envy), superbia (pride).
So the number 7 comes back in different ways, but all of them are very alike.
So this at the end is what I thought. To'a is an invitation to go through our weakness to become complete as individual. Of course, if we succeed, we realize a path the leads to wisdom. And this could be a possible reason to define To'a the way of wisdom.
It comes natural to link all of this, the 7 valleys, the 7 sins, the 7 forms to become "complete" ( "whole" I would say) as individual and kung fu ka.
I would be more than happy if Ostad Jalilzadeh could tell me if my thoughts are correct.