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TOPIC: Question

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4005

Dear Patrizia, it is a Duma defense . I have to look the video tonight and tell you what it's going on. I may have mistake by saying Duma Mato instead of Duma defense.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Assar, Patrizia

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4009

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh thank you!! now it is clear.
If you say like this, than it is simply a word for another, a "lapsus"!
Duma defend, not duma mato! Wow, I feared to have misunderstood everything and I was trying to find where I was wrong, and to get it I did some whirls of reasoning!!
Problem solved easily then. Thank you so much!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Assar

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4010

It's fixed .
As I said it was misprint.
Thank you to let me know.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Assar, Patrizia

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4011

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, of course. With Lapsus I meant exactly this, a misprint. You are perfect and precise as always!
Thank you so much!!! TO'A
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Assar

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4060

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh,
I wish to ask you something about atado. For the moment not about techiques, your lessons are perfectly explained so in this very moment everything seems clear.

-We end saying "Suto Kung fu ka". I knew that all the mummayies end with the name of the next step. Why do we have to add "kung fu ka" and not just say "Suto"? Is it something related to a philosophical meaning, or this is the name, and this is it?
-Another thing is this: I knew that all the mummayies end in the same way, with the hand fisted in front of the forehead (I knew it as in Kamisemay, anyway...). But Atado end with open hands and than you bow to the Yaromeh. This means that every step has a different way to be closed? I thought that taking the fist in front of the forehead was a must.
-Last thing is about the fists in Kamisemay. This is something that was so much recordered in deep in my mind that I didn't noticed. I knew that one fist is apart from the other of the misure of a fist. I mean, the distance between the two hands is the exact leght of the width of the fist. But I noticed that in the pictures and in the video too you are not so closed, your hands are more separated. So, the roule of the "width of the fist" does exist or not?

Thank you.
The following user(s) said Thank You: frollani

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 2 months ago #4061

Dear Patrizia, you are asking good questions, which makes me believe you are a true Kung fu ka.

-At the end of Atado we announce "Suto Kung Fu Ka" because it is the stage's name. We usually call it "Suto". But suto is not the whole name. The name of the stage is "Suto Kung Fu Ka".

-You are wrong, all mummaies do not end with the fist in front of the head.

-For the last question I am going to attach a picture that you people have never seen. In that picture you can see the Kamisema position with open hands as wide as your shoulders, which we used to take Kamisema like that on early years.
When Yaromeh started to make To'a away and separated from Chinese and Japanese styles. He changed lots of things. One of the those changes was Kamisema.
At the Kamisema position the fists separate from each other minimum as a fist long, maximum with shoulder size.
So if you keep your arms at Kamisema position away from each other minimum fist long and maximum shoulder long would be OK.

Last Edit: 12 years, 2 months ago by Mostafa Jalilzadeh.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jamshid, Patrizia, frollani, Iradj Teymouraz, abolfazl
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