Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh,
I wish to ask you something about atado. For the moment not about techiques, your lessons are perfectly explained so in this very moment everything seems clear.
-We end saying "Suto Kung fu ka". I knew that all the mummayies end with the name of the next step. Why do we have to add "kung fu ka" and not just say "Suto"? Is it something related to a philosophical meaning, or this is the name, and this is it?
-Another thing is this: I knew that all the mummayies end in the same way, with the hand fisted in front of the forehead (I knew it as in Kamisemay, anyway...). But Atado end with open hands and than you bow to the Yaromeh. This means that every step has a different way to be closed? I thought that taking the fist in front of the forehead was a must.
-Last thing is about the fists in Kamisemay. This is something that was so much recordered in deep in my mind that I didn't noticed. I knew that one fist is apart from the other of the misure of a fist. I mean, the distance between the two hands is the exact leght of the width of the fist. But I noticed that in the pictures and in the video too you are not so closed, your hands are more separated. So, the roule of the "width of the fist" does exist or not?
Thank you.