Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I have one question about atado.
In the lessons, we have done keyeto right, mato left and we go on weiyma doma left and afma right.
Page "atado3-8.jpg", you say we go for doma mato left in cat position, and then we go on horeima rato.
Now, I need to have the concept clear in my mind.
By the way you move, I would say you are doing a doma defend. This makes me go back on the classic techniques, and I ask myself about doma defend and doma mato.
I thought doma mato is different because we make power from the side of the body, and we take the arm a little bit in horizontal.
I thought that doma defend is "defend" because before blocking in front of us, the arm that is doing doma is vertical, 90 degree to the ground defending from a mato or another technique coming in front of us.
But if you call in atado the technique "doma mato", this makes me thing that it is not being 90 degree or not to make a doma mato...a doma mato! and that a doma defend is a defence because we block in front of the body, meaning that it is "doma mato + blocking".
I don't know if I have misunderstood the classic technique or atado!
I hope to have been able to make me understood and to have explaied where I found the problem, and I hope not to sound too much confusing.
In short:
-atado: is that really a doma mato?
-classic technique: doma defend is than doma mato combined with blocking? (If I don't go for the block than it become a doma mato?)
Thank you so much!!