Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends,
first of I all I wish to say thanks to dear Jamshid for the answer about Samsamaeh and Kamisemai!Those answers are to me like nourishment for the spirit and for the mind. Thank you so much!
And thanks to our dear Ostad Jalilzadeh for the lessons. I understand that this type of didactic needs a huge work to be done, it that takes a lot of time, and I can say that it is it is really invaluable and priceless!
I have 2 little questions about the new lessons in atado.
This is why I wish to know:
Hit Horeima Keyeto, opposite Orato with a right Mato under the leg at the same time
-Right Mato: the right Mato, is only for protection, correct?
-Kia: are they "hood", "hia" and "hid"?
Thank you so much!