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TOPIC: Question

باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 3 months ago #3951

  • Jamshid
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 514
  • Karma: 15
Dear friend Sam in real persian means completly white or light and it is the nam of Rostam's grand father too, because he had albino( albinisme) and he was completly white ! but for kami sama you are right and kami means god in Japanes , sa means place, so kamisa means place of god ( for warriors it is god of war) . kamisa ma means in front of god I think . and for Sam sa mayeh may be Research of light or research of correct direction of light or god can be a possibllity .
Last Edit: 12 years, 3 months ago by Jamshid.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Patrizia

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 3 months ago #3964

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends,

first of I all I wish to say thanks to dear Jamshid for the answer about Samsamaeh and Kamisemai!Those answers are to me like nourishment for the spirit and for the mind. Thank you so much!

And thanks to our dear Ostad Jalilzadeh for the lessons. I understand that this type of didactic needs a huge work to be done, it that takes a lot of time, and I can say that it is it is really invaluable and priceless!

I have 2 little questions about the new lessons in atado.
This is why I wish to know:

Hit Horeima Keyeto, opposite Orato with a right Mato under the leg at the same time

-Right Mato: the right Mato, is only for protection, correct?
-Kia: are they "hood", "hia" and "hid"?

Thank you so much!

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 3 months ago #3966

Hi dear Patrizia, thanks for the question. I have fixed the lesson and copied down at here.

Back to Horeima Rato and at the same time hit Mato with saying "HID" as a kia and right hand guard protection at 45 degrees (pic 1-2).
Hit Horeima Keyeto, opposite Orato with a right Mato as a defense under the leg at the same time. Back of the mato under the leh should be down, (pic 3).
Bend the knee, right Orato (pic 4), go to Rato with the left Mato (pic 5) and Atado Chino (pic 6).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jamshid, Patrizia

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 3 months ago #3967

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Thank you so much dear Ostad Jalilzadeh!
One more little question, please.

When you hit "soyetto" and Konjma defence upward at 45 degree, what is the kia?
I hear you say "Hia", am I right?

Thank you again!

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 3 months ago #3968

Hi Patrizia,
The kia is "EIH".
I will fix the lesson on the site also.
Thanks again.

On Horeima Rato, hit “Soyeto” with the edge of your left hand and at the same time make a Konjma defense upwards, with the "EIH" kia (pic 1-2). Take the left leg back to cat position (pic 3) and hit a left Konjma Mato (pic 4).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Patrizia

Re: باسخ‌به: Question 12 years, 3 months ago #3969

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Thank you Ostad!!
I noticed the third video, wow thank you!!! it is great, I found 5 very important details I was not aware of!
One of this, you turn the hands in "Haida" to make power for the double yeteh mato in a way that it seems the elbow makes a protection. Am I right?
I mean, left shoulder is at 45 degree, left arm toward hour 6 let's say, the elbow is up. Is it just for making power or is it a defence? In yeteh mato usually the elbow makes an early defence, it makes me think that this is the same.
I was thinking about chinno atado this morning, and I realized I was doing it in a wrong way. You are explaining it wonderfully in this third video! Thank you!! I am really happy!!
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