Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends, I have a question and a advice to ask, please.
First of all, thank you for the video!! I studied in this days the pictures and today the video, and I realized that I make a lot of mistakes! I really have to train hard on it. What I need to ask is this:
After yeteh rato (picture 28-

, "bend the knee and hold it in the same direction and at the same time use the defensive Orato in the opposite direction" , the shin is parallel to the ground, correct?
I mean, in the first Oranto with the left arm my leg is parallel to the floor, I am blocking with the lower part of the body only in the second Oranto, in the one done with the right arm,not in the first Oranto! Have I got it correctly? I am asking because I was told completely different, so I want to be sure to have understood.
I also need to ask an advice: all the mummayies in To'a are symmetric. It is better to concentrate only on the technique you are loading, or is it better to try to do them in the opposite side too? Example: the combinations I am asking above, is it better if I try also with the right arm and left yetteh keyetto, or to train only one side? I hope to have been clear.
Thank you so much!