Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends
there is another thing I wish to know about philosophy, this time it is about the sash.I know everything I was taught was wrong and fake, and I was going to write what I was taught to know how much of it was wrong, but in the end I changed my mind. I think it would be disrespectful, and anyway if it is wrong it is a nonsense to report.
So this is my question:
Is there a reason for the colors of the sash? May I know what does they represent?
I was said also that the color of the uniform is black for a reason. True or false? And if it is true, why is it black?
I have another question, but this is about Atado.
At the beginning the right leg moves forward while the left hand make a Weiyma Duma.
Why do we take the leg so much forward?Is it maybe to close the legs and to protect the lower part of the body?
A " cat position" wouldn't had been enough for protection? I am asking because I think it is a "strange" stance, not so easy to be reached and to be done properly.
Thank you so much!