Hello my friends,
Thanks for explanation Dr. Javidan and also thanks to dear Patrizia for asking. Making questions and thinking about stuff around us brings knowledge to us make it to understand what we do. This way the quality of work gets better and success would be stronger.
Now, to answer you about this topic takes a long story which I don't have that much time, but I try to make it a little clear for you.
As we know for sure Yaromeh was a black belt of Karate, Judo and other Japanese style Martial Arts, and we know he travelled to lots of countries and different nations to learn fighting method sports.
After gathering all the experiences, he started to create his own style. Something I have to add here is: Those years that I was so close to him (the only time we separate was night for sleeping), I noticed, The Master develops the techniques all time even the old one he already did.
However in the beginning our techniques were so to Japanese style, even the name and kias. That's why the titles like Anattawa, Atado and Suto are Japanese.
But day by day and time to time Yaromeh kept more distance form east Asia methods and made Kung Fu To'a close to persian culture.
I will try to emplane more about the meaning of stuff that we have in To'a.
Thank you.