Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, forgive me for not having been clear. Let me try again.
I hadn't find anything wrong in the video of course, I am just asking if when I have to pass from oranto from out to mato up do I have to make power taking my fist of the action arm back untill the side, as we do normally in every mato, or else if I have to do it from a "half way",meaning that I am not reaching the side of my body but I go directly from the position of oranto from out. I think I should take my fist to the side of the body, am I right?
I am refering to the video I linked, at minute 2:21. Your right hand is at your side, but too bad I can't understand what you are saying. I think this is how it has to be done, have I got it right?
For the second part, I was also talking about oranto from out.
I will use the same video to try to explain myself as much as I can.
Minute 1:01
In this part I am not sure to take my right fist at the right height. I am defending from a kick, so of course the final position of my hand can't be too high. Should my right fist be at the height of the elbow of my left arm? I know that these are details, I don't know if they are important or not, but in some video I took of myself while I was studying Anattawa I found my hand at different heights and I don't know which one is the correct one.
Thank you for your patience!