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TOPIC: Question

Re: باسخ‌به: TO'A Techniques & Related Topics 12 years, 4 months ago #3333

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I talked to Fabrizio and I realized that there is another difference in the way we move.
I don't know if he is pointing out the same thing, but what I was thinking about and what I got was about how we start a technique and we end it.
I was taught to start the move from a low position going a little "up" in height, meaning that we had to pass from a bended on the knees position to a middle-position with knees not as much bended, and because of this higher, to get back to the same height as soon as the technique was done. The movement up-down is due to the fact that we change the degree of the knees. If my knees in cat position are bended at 90 degree, during the technique I do it 100 degree, and when the hand technique is done I go back at 90 degree angle. As I said before, if I would draw a line on the top of the head, we would see that I would go "up and down".
Looking at the lessons, this is not happening and the knees are always bended almost at the same degree.
What I noticed indeed is that the real Anattawa is done on a big Rato, while in the wrong one I was taught my position is higher because my Rato is smaller (and knees not as much bended!)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Valentina , frollani

Re: باسخ‌به: TO'A Techniques & Related Topics 12 years, 4 months ago #3337

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I have a question. I think I have understood but I just want to make sure I have got it properly!

After "Oranto from out" down and to 45 degree on Waisa axis, I have to go on mato up, mato down, and again up and again down. In the lessons you go straight to up without taking the fist to the side of the body. I suppose it is only to make clear the position of the arms, that are not easy. Is it ok if I take my action arm to the side to make mato up, and I keep my reaction arm in front and than turn it?


I am not sure of how much high my fist has to go. Sometimes I fear to go too high, other times too low. Is it correct if I take it at the elbow's height of the reaction arm?

Thank you.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Valentina

Re: باسخ‌به: TO'A Techniques & Related Topics 12 years, 4 months ago #3340

Answer to #3337

I think we both are saying same thing to the first part of your question or maybe I haven't got your point. i didn't find any wrong doing in the video.

2nd part, the high Mato hits the face and low Mato hits to the chest.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Patrizia

Re: باسخ‌به: TO'A Techniques & Related Topics 12 years, 4 months ago #3346

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, forgive me for not having been clear. Let me try again.
I hadn't find anything wrong in the video of course, I am just asking if when I have to pass from oranto from out to mato up do I have to make power taking my fist of the action arm back untill the side, as we do normally in every mato, or else if I have to do it from a "half way",meaning that I am not reaching the side of my body but I go directly from the position of oranto from out. I think I should take my fist to the side of the body, am I right?
I am refering to the video I linked, at minute 2:21. Your right hand is at your side, but too bad I can't understand what you are saying. I think this is how it has to be done, have I got it right?

For the second part, I was also talking about oranto from out.
I will use the same video to try to explain myself as much as I can.
Minute 1:01
In this part I am not sure to take my right fist at the right height. I am defending from a kick, so of course the final position of my hand can't be too high. Should my right fist be at the height of the elbow of my left arm? I know that these are details, I don't know if they are important or not, but in some video I took of myself while I was studying Anattawa I found my hand at different heights and I don't know which one is the correct one.
Thank you for your patience!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Assar

باسخ‌به: TO'A Techniques & Related Topics 12 years, 4 months ago #3348

  • Jamshid
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 514
  • Karma: 15
Dear Patrizia I think you are doing right sam as in video explaned by Master Jalilzadeh , he says in persian but he shows with correct action
The following user(s) said Thank You: Patrizia

Re: باسخ‌به: TO'A Techniques & Related Topics 12 years, 4 months ago #3349

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Thank you!
I still need to work on this technique, there was something strange in my moves and I couldn't "feel" it, meaning that I was perceiving that something was wrong.
This evening I tried to do it again changing my movement and now it goes better,so at the end I think I have understood where I was wrong. Tomorrow I will work hard on it, thank you again!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jamshid, Assar
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