Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear Fabrizio, let me help you, I know what Fabrizio is trying to say.
One of the things that wasn't taught to us were how to pass from one position to the other one.
In Anattawa we have to "slip" from one to the next, the feet should stay as close to the ground as possible. It is not like taking a step, in which we raise the foot from the floor and then take it down, but we have to slide from one technique to the other.
If we could draw a line on top of the head, the difference is that changing position with a sliding move the head remains at the same level.
If we take a step to change position we would see that the "height" would change, as it happens when we take a little jump.
What Fabrizio is trying to say is this:
In Anattawa we slide from a position to the next one and we don't take a step to pass from one to the other.
Please Fabrizio, let me know if I'm speaking your mind correctly.
( Fabrizio, dimmi se ho detto correttamente quello che stavi pensando! )