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TOPIC: Question

Re: Mato 12 years, 9 months ago #222

  • Assar
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The full fist of protection when thumb is behind finger 2 (index finger and proximal phalanx point) that would increase the strength and impact of punching that also puts the fist in correct direction. You can also reference to
Master Jalil zadeh video as your training guide.
دگر مرد رهي ميان خون بايد رفت
از پاي فتاده سرنگون بايد رفت
تو پاي به ره بنه دگر هيچ مپرس
خود راه بگويدت كه چون بايد رفت
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Jamshid, Patrizia, Valentina

Re: Masters and Rahdan and... 12 years, 9 months ago #223

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Jamshid,in italian we don't usually use different words to refer to a Master.

In italian we use "Maestro", meaning someone of higher skill compared to others and that is owning a school and usually teaching (but not necessarily)
If someone has masters on many skills we wouldn't use different terms to refers to.This is the reason why I asked for an explanation, because our point of view is "simpler" (meaning not so complex and articulated). It's difficoult to explain...is like vowels in languages. In english there are lots, in italian only 5.
When I was in class with my ex master, I know that this must sound strange to you but we usally called him by name,well knowing that he was a "bayarome" using kung fu to'a terms. In italian the translation would have been "allenatore".
So in short:

* Maestro= some of higher skill that probably train other people, and in martial art also teach something about a spiritual path.
* Allenatore (or preparatore atletico)= the fisical trainer, his "job" is only to work on "muscles and technicque".This term is used with all the sports in general.

We don't use other terms.Who can tell, maybe this is the reason why in Italian culture I see so much caos and lack of discipline and respect? But this is just my thought.

Learning from each other is "evolution and grow" . I'm just a "tiny" hamrah but I will exchange my ideas with great plasure!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Jamshid, Assar

Re: Masters and Rahdan and... 12 years, 9 months ago #224

  • Assar
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  • Posts: 414
  • Karma: 27
Hi Hamrah

I am glad you have open mind and I do respect you honesty, I am shore you will the path you have chosen would take toward being a good teacher in future, we have the same meaning for master (Maestro) in Persian we call that Ostad with exact meaning as Italin.

You are so modest and humble when you call yourself be a tiny hamrah, I have to say I don’t agree to what you say about yourself, I would like to say you are part of a union which we called it TOA.

One time when we ask Grand Master Mirzaei about Italy and Italian art he said “Italian art is the verse of God”.
دگر مرد رهي ميان خون بايد رفت
از پاي فتاده سرنگون بايد رفت
تو پاي به ره بنه دگر هيچ مپرس
خود راه بگويدت كه چون بايد رفت
Last Edit: 12 years, 9 months ago by Mostafa Jalilzadeh.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jamshid, Patrizia

Re: Masters and Rahdan and... 12 years, 9 months ago #227

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Jasmid, thank you for your appreciation.I have read the word "ostad" more than once and tought that the meaning could be "master", so now I can see I was right.
If "modest" means "being aware of your own limits" you're right, but I think I'm just "real" .
I don't know if one day I will be a real teacher,but anyway I will be happy to help anyone who wants to walk on this way using all my "little" skills.
I'm honored to be part of this union and I hope to be a good hamrah.To'a
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Jamshid

باسخ‌به: Divisions? 12 years, 9 months ago #229

  • Jamshid
  • Platinum Boarder
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Hello everybody,these words refer to differents level of Kung fu TO'A system during Yaroummeh era . Rahdan means who knows the path ( path of kung fu toa) and he or she has green sash normally in Mirzai Style ! Rahban means who is garde (protector) of Path and he or she has brown sash and Jahanban means who is garde (protector) of univers and she or he has black sash ! finally Rahbar means leader and his or her sash is red ... but this System and evolutionary path has stoped before getting realised and getting finalising by Professor Mirzaii .
I would like to say , I know that Master Jalilzadeh knows some these differents steps and some of rules for realising some parts of the Path of TO'A and I hope he will helpe all of us to learning more and more and realising some parts of this evolution !
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Assar, Patrizia, Valentina

باسخ‌به: Re: باسخ‌به: Divisions? 12 years, 9 months ago #230

  • Jamshid
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 514
  • Karma: 15
Dear Patrizia , who said that Rahdan means spritual guide ? ! Everybody is spritual guide of himself or herself ! There is no spritual guide in Kung fu toa because it is not a relligion ! and there are only Coachs & a coach can be a Rahdan or or Rahaban or Jahanban etc ! and always there is one aid for coachs Coach aid named Bayaroumeh !
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Assar, Patrizia, Valentina
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