Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, sorry...another question on Anattawa!!
I have a "little problem" with Sensero, and I wanted to make sure I got it correctly because it is a very special technique.
I was thaught completely different, so I am trying to learn it all over again like I have never seen it before but I still am not sure.
-First I have to take my closed fist to chest level, than the left hand opens and goes forward, and when it arrives at the end the right hand goes forward and stop behind the left hand.
What do I have to do with the shoulders? Do I have to keep them straight without moving, facing 12 hour, or do I have to make slight rotation taking the left shoulder to hour 12 and the right shoulder to hour 6?
From the lesson and what I saw on facebook I got that I should remain still, meaning that is only the hands moving. Shoulders still, left hand moves and reach the final position, right hand moves and goes back the left hand. Also the body stay still meanwhile, I don't move anything.Is it right like this?
-About the right leg!
While I am in Kamisemay stance and I have done Sensero, I have to go on Rato stance and my fists at the sash level.
Before reaching the Rato stance, is my right leg moving close to the left or not?
I have to change the balance and move the body weight to go on Rato. From the video I got that the right foot just simply moves to the back, no middle movement. Is it right?
I am asking because I used to bend a little bit the knees and take the right foot close to the left and only after this take it back to rato stance, but I think this is wrong! You doesn't seem to do this moves! You seem to simply go back in Rato directly. Am I right?
I'm really studying it with "x-ray", because if I pay attention to the smallest details I will do fewer mistakes untill the day I won't do them anymore, I hope!
Thank you so much for your patience! To'a