Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, I have a question and I hope it is not too stupid.
Today I was talking with my friend Valentina and I realized that I haven't got what is the right position of the thumb in Sensensero!
I cannot take it in the right place because if I bent it I would bend also the index finger. My anatomy don't allow me to do it as I should, and if I try it it is really painfull too at my wrist's level, so the only way to bent it is to make the hand as a cup. So I have to choose between thumb closed and hand like a cup, or hand straight but thumb not bended!
If I had to explain to others hamrahs, what should I say?
-The distal phalanx has to be bended?
-If yes, where? Along the hand, meaning on the side, or in the inside of the palm?
-Is it important or is it just a small detail?
Thank you!