Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends...I have two questions on Anattawa.
The first one is just a detail.
After the 4 haima techniques, when I have to go on waiss kineh, if I am facing the 9 hour and I have the starting point at 12 hour on my right side, my right arm is defending from a kick coming from the back. My fist stop at 3 hour,is it right? Meaning, I am turning 180 degree, I am not stopping at 2 hours. Am I right?
Second question.
Same axis. I have completed the sequence orato, mato x3 right arm and left arm, and I am going on oranto from out right. My right arm is in oranto 2, my left arm in afma. My right leg should be in line with my right arm right?
So this is the question: my right leg comes back from rato position to do oranto from out technique. The movement is not that much backward, let's say only half a step, I am moving my leg more toward the center point and not that much to the back, is it so? And the knee is straight toward 3 hours and the feet not that close to each other. This position is neither an horima rato nor a cat position because my left foot is not completely turned and my toes ar not facing 12 hours.
I am asking because I need to completely erase my motor memory, because I used to turn the knee and the hips and close it inward. Completely wrong!
Thank you!