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Phylosophy and Erfan in To'A
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TOPIC: Phylosophy and Erfan in To'A

Phylosophy and Erfan in To'A 12 years ago #4445

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
In the mid-seventies in a weekly newspaper that was very popular between the young Iranian people that was called "information for girls and boys", Yaromeh Mirzaii wrote and printed some articles and stories about Kung Fu To'A and through them he tried to share his thought and ideology.
Between those stories were also the myth of Perto'A.


At that time the Gods had damned the whole earth except the To'A-City.It is said that the doors of To'A-City were not open to everyone.

Only at the rising of the sun Perto'A, the beautiful girl of To'A-City, dressed in a crimson silk dress, stood on a wall of the city. This wall was 7 meters high, and she let her hairs falling down outside of the wall, and this was the secret key to open the gate of To'A City. This was the only way for other people to access and reach the gorgeous Temple of To'A, and in a wonderfull ceremony to swore to fight the unclean people and to defend their ideas.

At every sunset, the girl of To'A city Mehrtoma, naked under a black silk veil stood on the Wall of To'A Temple, and stared throught the darkness, looking for the life-giving rays of sunshine.

In that moment the fighters of the To'A City, a group of 7 men, barefoot and dressed in black costumes and green Shawls with torches in hands, started to move at the side of the beautiful girl of the night to protect her.
The secrets of the fights of these guards are not revealed.

The Chinese will remember this story throughout the times and say that the souls of Kung Fu To'As people stuck on the walls of the To'A Temple. They believe that the people of To'A City is alive and is watching us.
They says that actually the headquarters of the To'A people is in the 7th Heaven, they have built the To'A City on earth for all the other people, but those people that have been damned by the Gods are scared to enter the mysteries of being in the To'A City.

One day, Shada, the oldest and wisest of the Temple said: " Listen to the old man in the city. Listen to someone, who know the secrets of life!"
He looked happy and saw wonderful faces in his companions. But he was sad and he was crying, because he could not see a good heart behind those faces.

The chinese always tell their children the story of the To'A City.

Meaning of some words in Persian:

Perto = beam of light
Pertoha = Rays of light

Mehr = love
To = you
Ma = us; we

Mehrtoma= love, you, we

Shada -> Shad = Happy

Chin = wrinkle
Yaromeh said. "if I use the word 'chin', I mean teh wrinkles of brain"
Chinese --> probably means "wise people"

Note: many many many thanks to our dear friend Ali Hejazi for the translation. TO'A!

Re: Phylosophy and Erfan in To'A 12 years ago #4446

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Master Jalilzadeh and dear Hamrahan and friends, I wish to try to undertand this myth using also the little knowledge I have in To'A and psychology.

Perto'A, the beautiful girl dressed in a crimson silk dress stand on the wall of the To'A city, and her hairs are the only way to access the city and the Temple.

Red is the color of the blood and life, and the silk is a noble material. The city is not open to everyone, and maybe this is symbol that only the noble souls takes the challenge to go through the wall to enter that world. The walls looks like pshychological defence that everyone have, and that we have to lower down to be able to reach our inner being. Only the hair are the key to that city. Yaromeh choose the hair are symbol, I ask myself if it is because hair are linked to the head, and in a way with the mind's activity?

Once a noble soul takes the challeng and pass through the wall, can access the Temple. I think this Temple is the Temple of the spirit, where we can find our Goodness and inner nature, but also the Temple of the thoughts, the higher one, that is at the Goodness's service.
It is interesting the fact that she stand on the wall only during the rising of the sun, as if it is symble of the awakening of the coscience.

So this seems to be a developement, the noble soul's coscience is awakening and take the challenge and enter his inner Temple. Here he swear to defend the highest thought and the goodness.

On the Walls of the Temple is Mehrtoma, that is symbol of the love for ourself and the other people on the path. She looks through the darkness for the light. This may be symbol of the research to find the goodness in the darkness of the situation of the life? The spirit in his research for our higher developement through the challenges that can come from the outside or the inside may need to be defended. We know that in every culture there are the 7 sins or the 7 point of weakness in the spirit that we have to challenge and to win to get to the higher developement of the spirit.

At her side comes the 7 guardians. They are dressed in a was that recall the uniform of the Rahdan in To'A, or they could be the symbol of the Gitk, the guardian of the Temple.

The 7 comes back to us again. the wall is 7 meters high, the guardians are 7 in numbers. Maybe everyone of them are representing the fighter that takes the challenge to win his battle against one of the 7 field, and I also wish to remind that we have 7 mumaies and that every one rapresent something.

1-self awareness. You
2-social. Yourself and surrounding
3-clarity of thought. Brave and gain logic
4-adaptability, Straight line. the short and fastest way to the target
5-knowledge,decisiveness. Time of fight, use the knowledge and experiences of the past
6-truth seeker,clear sighted. Search the contrast and the opposite of things
7-self knowledge/spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher selfmeditation and reflection (Zeneiy) to stay top of the world and look around and yourself again

7 fields and 7 gains on the path.

For the last part, I think that what Yaromeh was trying to say is that the higher you go the higher is the risk to loose yourself. If you develope your soul and you become the "Simorgh" you must extend your hand to help others to take the challenge and walk on the same path. But along the path if you loose yourself you may loose the goodness and develope the opposit of the 7 inner values. From here, the sadness of the old man.

The message seems to be : Take the challenge to yourself and win your fight. When you are victoriuos help others to walk along the path, but beware! if you loose the fight, you risk not to find the 7 values but the 7 sins and to get them stronger".
The following user(s) said Thank You: Farshid Javdan, Jamshid, Assar, Rina Oppedisano, Valentina , frollani, Alee Hejazi

Re: Phylosophy and Erfan in To'A 12 years ago #4454

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear friends, I was translating the myth of Perto'A for my italians hamrahan while I was captured by some details about the beautiful girl Perto'A.
She is dressed in a crimson red dress, while she stands on the wall of the city, offering the only mean she has to let the brave access the city.

I remember that in To'a we have some colors that have big meanings.
Red, if I am not wrong, should be the color of the Rahbar, and is the color that in To'a can be weared only by Yaromeh itself and no one else. But a Rahbar in farsi means "leader", and indeed she leads! She give her key to the To'A city.

I thought that maybe the girl represent the leader that shows the way to the To'a-city and to the Temple.
But what is To'A and the Temple?
I still think that is symbol of the development of the Humanity (the path of To'A) and of the spirit of a person.

Other details that captured my attention are about the 7 guardians and the beautiful girl Mehrtoma .
The guardians are bare feet, and dressed in black. and they hold a torch in hand (that is needed to enlight) while the girl search the darkness for the light.

Black is not a color. I remember that once Dr. Jamshid explained me that the uniform in To'A are red because represent the inner values of the To'A Karan, that must remain the same and he has to be loyal to them even when the situation changes (please, correct me if I am wrong!!)
Their shawl is green, and I remember that green should be the color of the growth of the kung fu ka, like a seed that bloom and flourish.
They hold the torch in their hand. I was thinking about two things. At the olympic torch, the fact that the guardians are guardians of the path, and hold the torch untill the day they will pass it to someone else. The other thing I was thinking about is the light. They lighten the research of the girl, while she search for another light in the darkness, not the light that comes from the torch, but the life-giving one. The link to the concept of God I think it is not so strange. This could be symbol of the research for the goodness or the divine that you can get looking carefully throught the darkness.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Farshid Javdan, Jamshid, Assar, Valentina , frollani, Alee Hejazi, hamid rahdan

باسخ‌به: Phylosophy and Erfan in To'A 12 years ago #4464

  • Jamshid
  • Platinum Boarder
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Dear Patrizia I think that you want to say (( black is the color of uniforme in kung fu TO'A)) and it doesn't change in front of othere colors ! so it is symbol of inner and stable values of kung fu ka ! and red Jacket is for master or for Bay yaroume becaus he is ready to give his or her life for the path
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Assar, Patrizia, Valentina , Alee Hejazi

Re: باسخ‌به: Phylosophy and Erfan in To'A 12 years ago #4466

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear James yes, this is what I meant about the color of the uniform. For the color of the dress (red) I thought about the sash but you are right! The red jacket, so a Master or a Bayaromeh, are ready to give their life for the path. I remember Ostad Jalilzadeh explained that those tha wear a red jacke must help those who need it. So the girl Perto' a can represent this. Thank you!!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Jamshid, Valentina , Alee Hejazi

Re: باسخ‌به: Phylosophy and Erfan in To'A 12 years ago #4508

  • Patrizia
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 347
  • Karma: 6
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear Hamrahan, as you obviously know we come from a different culture and talking with Fabrizio I realized it would have been a good thing to talk about the meaning of "Erfan and Aref", in order to create a good base to be able to talk about phylosophy with a more deep understanding.

Searching the web, this is an abstract that I hope can be useful for all the Hamrahan that are not familiar with the concept.


Mysticism (‘irfan) as an agent for uniting man with God

Of all the Islamic principles and teachings,the achievement of union with the Lord is the one that is exclusively devoted to the basic issue of the manner and quality of man’s spiritual conduct, his fight against carnal desires,

Mystic knowledge, has its theoretical base in belief in the fact that the most perfect way to receive the essence and the truth of existence is through intuitive knowledge and perception, the unification of reason with the reasoned and the reasonable, love with lover and the beloved.

From the practical point of view, it is based on the performance of lawful ascetic practices, purification of the ego or soul, vigilance, reckoning of the self, the saying of prayers and passing beyond the surface and the superfluities of worldly affair and in the utmost attachment to the truths of all matters relating to body and soul.

‘irfan is described as an intuitive knowledge of God that leads man to His presence and to the ultimate which is to witness and be in presence with God (liqa’Allah).

Who is a mystic (‘arif)?

An ‘arif is a person who arrives at a knowledge of truth (as it is) through intuition and spiritual illumination and inspiration. He is submerged and deeply involved and engaged in divine affairs and matters.

A real mystic is one who has passed from the stage of certainty and conviction of knowledge to the stage and level of conviction by perception and insight and beyond to the certainty of truth.

He has passed from the stage of mental awakening and repentance. He has gained understanding to the stage of grace and awareness experienced in His Presence.

A true mystic is also one who performs prayers, purges his ego, and experiences religiously allowed rigorous ascetic exercises not from fear of hell, nor for love of paradise and not as extraordinary wondrous acts. Rather, he has God in mind.

Of course there is a lot more to say, what is underneath these few words has a long story and is huge, so this is only a very very short abstract,something like what we call an "A-B-C", but I think it is representing the essence of the concept and is perfect for us that we know so little and have so much to discover.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mostafa Jalilzadeh, Assar, Valentina , frollani, Alee Hejazi
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