Lower Leg Stretches
Shin Stretch :
Teaching Points:
•Kneel with your shins flat on the ground
•Sit back on your heels, slowly increasing the pressure
•Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds
Variations :
•Advanced Shin Stretch
Muscles Stretched :
•Tibialis Anterior
•Extensor Digitorum Longus
•Extensor Hallucis Longus
Related Injuries :
•Shin Splints
•Anterior Compartment Syndrome
Standing Shin Stretch :
Teaching Points :
•Stand with your toes of the left foot on the floor on the outside of your right foot
•Bend the right leg to push your ankle towards the ground
•Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds
•Swap legs!
Variations :
•Shin stretch
Muscles Stretched :
•Tibialis Anterior
•Extensor Digitorum Longus
•Extensor Hallucis Longus
Related Injuries :
•Shin Splints
•Anterior Compartment Syndrome
Advanced Shin Stretch :
Teaching Points :
•Kneel with your shins flat on the ground
•Place your hands on the floor next to your knees
•Raise your knees of the floor, keep your heels and knees together and feet on the floor
•Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds
Variations :
•Shin stretch
Muscles Stretched :
•Tibialis Anterior
•Extensor Digitorum Longus
•Extensor Hallucis Longus
Related Injuries :
•Shin Splints
•Anterior Compartment Syndrome
Gastrocnemius Stretch :
Teaching Points :
•Stand with one leg far in front of the other
•Keep the back heel flat on the floor
•Bend the front leg and keep the back leg straight
•Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds
Variations :
•Perform the same stretch in front of a wall
•Place your hands on the wall, lean forwards and push against the wall
Muscles Stretched :
Related Injuries :
•Calf Strain
•Achilles Tendinitis
•Achilles Tear
Advanced Gastrocnemius Stretch :
Teaching Points :
•Stand on a step with only the toes supported
•Drop the heels off the back of the step, keeping the knee straight
•Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds
Variations :
•Perform on one leg only
•Gastrocnemius Stretch
Muscles Stretched :
Related Injuries :
•Calf Strain
•Achilles Tendinitis
•Achilles Tear
Soleus Stretch :
Teaching Points :
•Stand with one leg in front of the other close to a wall
•Place your hands on the wall and lean forwards
•Bend both knees, trying to touch the front knee on the wall
•Keep the heel down
•Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds
Variations :
•Advanced Soleus Stretch
Muscles Stretched :
•Tibialis Posterior
•Flexor Digitorum Longus
Related Injuries :
•Calf Strain
•Achilles Tendinitis
•Achilles Tear
Advanced Soleus Stretch :
Teaching Points :
•Stand with the toes of the front foot on a step and the knee bent
•Lean forwards, putting your weight on the front leg and dropping the heel off the step
•Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds
Variations :
•Soleus Stretch
Muscles Stretched :
•Tibialis Posterior
Related Injuries :
•Calf Strain
•Achilles Tendinitis
•Achilles Tear
Peroneal Stretch :
Teaching Points :
•Sit in a chair with one ankle resting on the other knee
•With your hands, point the foot (plantarflex) and turn the sole of the foot upwards (invert)
•Hold for between 10 and 30 seconds
Muscles Stretched :
•Peroneus Longus
•Peroneus Brevis
•Flexor Hallucis Longus
Related Injuries :
•Peroneal Tendinopathy