Body conditioning: preparation of the corp. and the Spirit against the impacts
Why hit on the body?
There are 2 reasons: psychological and physical
All of fighters even the most powerful and experienced will receive the kicks or the punches sooner or later. Especially if they fight with one or more. In this situation the probability of dangerous impacts are 100% because of the attacks that come from any direction. Beating on the body makes certain parts of body hard and resistant and aware of hits, but also augment the spiritual tolerance.
We contract our muscles before the impact of an attack. But if we are trapped and we get hit without knowing, for example when we are moving (changing direction) or doing techniques we are not concentrated and this kind of preparation can’t help us.
One of the principles of Kung Fu TO'A is Psychology.
Relative to this principle we exercise to eliminate our fear of getting hit. Gradually this kind of fear will be eliminated and then distractions’ and pains after impacts will be little. Don't forget that we are made from material and spirit, so we have to pay attention to both of them all the time in our life.
By doing physical movements and some special exercise muscles become powerful, resistant and by doing some special breathing techniques during physical exercise and ZEN we develop and channel our energy, which is the vital energy of life.
Breathing correctly during an impact will help us to become relaxed and due to suppression of tension we don't feel the pain and vital energy flows through our body and protects us against damages. For example when we hit to the top of the stomach or plexuses it results only 10% of muscle resistance and hardness but 90% is psychological if we reach to that state of active relaxation and stress-free. In this psychological state we're not afraid of getting hit and we accept them with pleasure.
After reaching to this state of body and mind and physical and spiritual relaxation we develop the movements very rapidly. Then if we get kicked or punched we don't have the problem and even we play with the opponent and his techniques and strikes.
In summary when you start the impact sports your body has control of your spirits, you have fear, uncertainty, Fear of the Unknown, but after following a correct pattern of exercises you will develop your condition and reverse the control.