Dear Ostad Assar I am so sorry!!!!
I started to do sport very young and too bad while I was still growing up I damaged my wrists, knees and ankles. But I grew up with the problem so I adjusted. My knees are not very stable and the patella tends always to move and to be pushed out, this is why I am always very carefull, and when I do my training I keep in mind the type of floor or shoes I have on (example: concrete??? dangerous! shoes with a thick sole? risk of twisted ankle). Well, I have been lucky, I risked to break the cruciate or the medial collateral! Anyway with a bit of rest I will be back in 2 days I guess, I am waiting to solve completely the inflammation. I want to do Kung Fu To'A for all my life, this is a lesson. We must keep in mind that when we are tired it is not a good idea to go on with some exercize, it is wiser to stop or change training!
I know that usually the legaments are reconstructed when there is a complete disruption and anyway it depends from the person's situation and the final decision is taken by the surgeon, sometimes the problem is fixed with some physiotherapy or strengthening the muscles around the joint.
Having the damages on both knees you must be very careful because you can't compensate!
I wish you good luck for your knees Ostad!