On Taosim:
Daodejing is a work cocise and full of meaning, in which every single ideogram contains a whole concept.
Tao is translated as the Way, Norma (or Rule), Reason, Logos, but Lao Tze states that is inexpressible, has neither form nor sound.
Te (or De) is Virtue,spiritual strength of virtue.
Jin means Book.
So "Daodejing" means "the book or Tao and its Virtue".
Sima Qian is an historian and wrote that actually Lao Tzu named Li Er, and lived at the times of Confucio (551-479 a.C.), and he was 30 years older.
Main concept of Tao are Tao, its Virtue, yin and yang, the opposing forces of nature (see Yijin, the Book of changings) and Wu-Wei, the not act.
Tao is creator and preserver of the universe, it can be called "Nil" or "mother of every thing"
Men and World are united and influence each other. Harmony is when everything develops without constraints.
Tao can be known by observing the nature and its laws, and to understand Tao means to create vacuum in ourselves, which brings us to an undifferentiated state, unconscious and spontaneous.
Te is Virtue, energy, the spiritual strenght of Tao.
Lao Tze distinguishes between virtue highers and lowers. the first one is that of Tao, who practice it is in harmony with nature, the seconds ar those predicted by Confucio. humanity, justice, rites are lower virtue because the aim of those who practice them do not go beyond the benefits of their products .
Yin and Yang constitute the Tao, and corrispond to the female principle and the male principle.
Mankind lives according to the alternation of two contradictory moments, day and night, light and darkness, life and death, and then once again life, and once again death. So changings are synthesis of two moments, and from them comes the rhythm in which is possible to see Tao.
Wu-Wei means humbleness,do not desire. Mankind must adhere to the spontaneous flow of becoming, it doesn't mean to be passive, but to be receptive.the wise man does not act and becomes like a baby .
"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
Non-being is the beginning of heaven and earth
Being is the mother of ten thousand things
The supreme mystery
The door of all the wonders"
Source: Daodejing