We are talking about religions in the world and in history, so I thought to try to creat a "map", or brainstorming about it.
The term "religion" is doubtful, but it comes from latin "religio".
There are 2 possible etymologies:
-Religio: as relationship between men and gods through the worship (religare, bind, fasten, tie)
-Religio: careful observation of these practices.
There are many existing way to classify.
-Pagan and Christian. In roman religion the term used to indicate the attitude of the pious roman in his duty in performing basic act of worship.
Christian religion get the term both in positve and in negative meaning applying it to other religions.
-Ethnic religions or Based religions, the first has not a historic founder (ancient Greece, Rome, India, Celtic paganism, Slavic, Mongolian,Japanese, Chinese and primitive religions)
Based religions have a founder. Jesus in Christianity, Muhammad in Islam, Zoroaster in Zoroastrianism, Buddha in Buddhism.
-There are religions with ethnic refenence that in the same time has a founder. Lao tze in Taosim, Orpheus in Orphism. These are called "Mixed religions"
-Universals religions:they spread beyond their boundaries and claim to address to all menkind.
-National religions: limited to its territory.
-Pagan or Revealed. This theological assumption considers the mosaic-abramico superior to others, and is not very apreciated in scientific environments.
There are 4 geographic areas:
1-The religions of the "Near East" of Semitic origin (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), defined "religions of the Word" as focusing on divine revelation transmitted to humans by writing,they have prophetic character and are foculsed in ethical content;
2-religions of Indian origin (Hinduism and Buddhism), a strong mystical tendency through meditation, body dimension reaches the same importance as the spiritual dimension
3-religions of traditional Sino-Japanese (Confucianism, Taoism,Shintoism), characterized by search for wisdom and the ideal of cosmic harmony;
4-the ancestral religions of Africa and Oceania (animism, tribalism, ancestor worship, magic), focusing on a sacred vision, cyclic, ahistorical of space-time and its higher energies.