Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh and dear James, first of all I wish to say thanks for all the teachings and support on this wonderful path.
As you know I love to practice but also to understand what I am doing and from where all this is coming from, and what was the purpose of Yaromeh. So I can't avoid to ask myself,and even when I don't do it consciously I still do!
So we have 7 kath,7 maigah, and in To'a Simorgh is the result of our growth on the path through the 7 valley. I realize that related to the person's energy there are also 7 chakras! And now, thinking about the chakras this is what I found.
* The first chakra is at the base of the spine,and is related to self awareness. the positive aspects are related to a sense of security, courage, strength of will, pioneering while the negative are insecurity, self pitying, aggressive, fearful
* The second chakra is linked with success and relates to self respect; and makes us independent and social. It makes the person sociable, creative, independent ; opposite if it is not well balanced makes the person that tends to withdrawn, to be destructive, over-dependent.
* The third chakra relates to self worth. Gives us clarity of thought, increases awareness, and stimulates interest and curiosity. its energy is related to the ability to perceive and understand and connects us to our mental self.It makes us confident, optimistic, good humored. On the contrary, if not balanced makes us develop feelings of inferiority,makes us over analytical pessimistic and sarcastic.
* The forth chakra relates to love/self love - the ability to give and take unconditionally. I makes us balanced,adaptable and with good self-control. Compassion, generosity harmony and love are the positive aspect associeted, and the opposite are indifference, jealousy, miserly, bitterness .
* Fifth chakra relates to self expression. This chakra makes us loyal, tactful, affectionate, inspiring, inventive, caring, and cautious. It is associated to knowledge, health and decisiveness. Positive aspects of this chakra make us loyal, trustworthy, tactful, calm while an inbalance makes us unfaithful, untrustworthy, self-righteous, cold.
* Sixth chakra is related to intuition, mysticism, understanding. the personality become intuitive, fearless, practical, idealistic, wise, and a truth seeker. It makes us responsible for one's own life, to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. (the ability to see things from a 'higher' viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort).It connects us to our unconscious self, and gives us the experience of being part of the whole universe. Strengthens intuition, imagination, psychic powers.The person is highly intuitive, faithful, clear sighted, characterized by integrity and with an orderly mind. Opposite: inability to trust intuition, scattered mind, and has a blinkered vision.
* Seventh chakra relates to self knowledge/spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality, and your higher consciousness. His energy connects us to our spiritual self bringing guidance, wisdom and inner strength and purifies our thoughts and feelings giving us inspiration in all undertakings. It gives us an ability to see the appropriate route for the benefit of the higher self while an inbalance makes the person someone with no concern for others, feelings of superiority, lack of contact with reality.
So, I will put on the left side the main meaning related to the chakras, and the right side the words of our dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, taken from the post number #4137 (page 53) about the mumayis, Anattawa, Atado, Suto, Samsamaeh, Mayana, Kuana and Weima Mato:
1-self awareness You
2-social Yourself and surrounding
3-clarity of thought Brave and gain logic
4-adaptable (?) Straight line, the short and fastest way to the target
5-knowledge,decisiveness Time of fight, use the knowledge and experiences of the past
6-truth seeker,clear sighted Contrast and the opposite of things
7-self knowledge/spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher selfmeditation and reflection (Zeneiy) to stay top of the world and look around and yourself again
Of course, some concept are closer while other a little less. What is in common for sure is the developement starting from ourself (you) to reach a higher self, in which I see the Simorgh.