Dear Master Jalilzadeh, I wish to have a feedback to see if I got the procedure in the right way.
Submission of videos showing any techniques of the following categories: describing a kick, an arm defense, an arm attack and Rato stance. Also a video of Pre Anattawa,
I don't have any doubt about the electronic exam, but about the video I wish to have some more details if possible to avoid mistakes and to avoid to makes you waste precious time!
-Is it better to send 3 different videos? one for Rato and Hand techniques, one for leg techniques and a last one for Pre-Anattawa? The larger is the video, more MB are required and I'm worried for the process of loading of the file.
-The videos of the techniques how has to be done? do we have to do as you do in the lessons? I mean, do we have to first give and explanation at voice of the technique, than to try it in slow motion and than at regular speed? or Isn't it necessary, and just trying to perform the technique is enough?
-How many times the single technique has to be performed? Example: 3 keyeto, 3 horeima keyeto, 3 yeteh. etc. etc.? etc
I'm asking it to avoid to make videos that takes longer time than necessary, or in the other hand videos too short.
Of course, first we have to pass the electronic test, but by character I prefer to have everything as much clear as possible in my mind as soon as I can.
Thank you so much for this great job!