Dear Master Jalilzadeh and dear friends and Hamrahan, the question from our Hamrah and Master Farid is really interesting, and I love everything that nourish the mind and make think (expecially if we talk about To'A).
Trying to answer to the question to myself, the reason I found that I think it could be possible is the following.
I know in eastern culture, the phisiology of the people is very different from the phisiology of Iranians. They are small, and almost short-limbed. The proportions of the body between the center of the body and the final part of legs and arms are different. I think this may affect the way a technique is performed and may affect the result of the technique itself (this is nothing good for us european people that are even more long limbed!).
I remember that I read somewhere that for this reason also the eastern Kung Fu had been devided, in Shaolin of North and South, for the preference in the use of upper or lower body. Of couse I would need to know if this is true or not, as it may be only a rumor.
So, I think that probably Yaromeh created Kung Fu To'A upon those differences.
What I know for sure is that he created something so special!!
I want to underline that I have great respect for ALL the martial arts, and also for the fighting's sports. But the techniques I see and that I am learning in To'A, and the Mummayies, are so unique!!
I think I am not wrong when I say that no others martial arts have Mumayies as To'A, beautiful and complex, harmonious and spectacular: this of course is my point of view, and I am open to hear and learn from others!
One of the things that makes To'A different from others, is also the action-reaction.
I was once told by a friend that of course have a bigger knowledge than me, is that Karate has a linear way of move. Kung Fu is circular. Kung Fu To'A combine them both!
In my point of view what Yaromeh did was getting the best from all the martial arts he learned, and melt them creating something new that is To'A.
This is why I think Yaromeh was the Morzart of the field, because from some notes (technique) he created a unique work of art! (To'A).
So in short, I would fancy that reason because he created a style is to make something that fits the phisyology of his people, and to create something powerfull.
Dear Ostad Jalilzadeh, may it be it?